Function: Disinfect, Deodorize, Clean
Wipe size: 8″x6″
Wipes per roll: 800
Rolls per order: 4
Total wipes: 3,200
Total order weight: 46 pounds
SKU: 183264
Zoom Wipes are the strongest and most effective wipes we make. Utilizing a first-class substrate, these wipes will disinfect, deodorize, and clean your hard surfaces and equipment.
Zoom Wipes are EPA Registered to kill MRSA, STAPH, H1N1, HIV-1, and over 40 other pathogens in less than 10 seconds. We guarantee that our wipes are disinfecting, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal.
All Zoom Wipes are alcohol, bleach, and phenol-free while being safe for electronic devices such as cell phones, gym equipment, cash registers, credit card machines, and many more.