VP two-stroke oil is the excellent full synthetic two-cycle oil on the market for small engines. It provides industry-leading performance, includes a high-detergency formula and is JASO FD certified. It affords great protection for outdoor power equipment. Our small engine lubricant is ideal for owners who prefer to handle their own 40:1 oil or 50:1 oil mix with gas. Another key point is that our synthetic two-stroke oil protects internal engine components from excessive wear. What's more, it reduces carbon build up, cleans piston rings and makes for easier starts and low smoke. It includes both advanced fuel stabilizers and a metal deactivator. As a result, you get protection from the corrosive properties of ethanol, which is damaging to small engines. Lastly, VP makes a technologically advanced line of high-octane ethanol-free small engines fuels that are engineered from higher-grade base stocks. Our two-cycle and four-cycle SEF's are ethanol-free and designed specifically for hard-working, high-RPM small engines.
Manufacturer: VP RACING FUELS Model Number: 2901 UPC: 846781001290